We’re glad you’re here!
First Time?
Here’s everything you need to know before you arrive this weekend.
What is a gathering like?
Risen Church exists to share life in Christ our Risen Lord with each other, our city, and beyond. Each week, you will experience passionate, authentic, worship music, gospel-centered preaching, and a vibrant kids ministry. Whether you’ve been around church all of your life or this is your first time, we want you to know you are welcome here.
What type of music do you sing?
All of our music is designed to facilitate an authentic Spirit-filled worship experience that’s rooted in God’s Word and focused upon His presence. Our hope is that each person would fall deeper in love with Jesus and be transformed by the awe and wonder of who God is, and what He has done for us in Christ. We do this by singing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs (Colossians 3:16) that both connect us with our ancient heritage in Christ and speak meaningfully to us with modern style.
How is the teaching?
Our preaching is expository in nature, and the content is gospel-centered and Spirit-filled. We simply unleash the God-breathed power of the scriptures while connecting each passage to the main overarching story of the entire Bible. Risen truly believes that it really is all about Jesus. He is the Hero of every story, and every sermon; He’s not just an idea, He is alive and available to all who would call upon His name. Our preaching is designed to remind and point to that reality.
What about my kids?
Our goal is for our Risen Kids to meet Jesus and make friends. Each week your children will learn about Jesus and see God’s amazing love for them. Through meaningful lessons, activities, and even worship experiences, we believe every child can understand something about the grace of God offered in Jesus Christ.
Let us know you’re coming!
We want to make your first experience with us as easy and stress free as possible. Once you fill out the form below, just stop by the “First Time Guest” tent on your way in this Sunday and we’ll make sure to help you learn your way around.
We’re are excited to meet you!

Looking for a new church to call home?
Take the try 5 challenge.
Finding a church home can be difficult. It is hard to make a commitment to a new church based on one visit. This is why we would ask you to take the Try Five Challenge. Visit us five weeks in a row and see if we are a good fit for you and your family. This will give you a great idea of who we are and what we are all about as well as give us the chance to get to know you! If you are ready to take the challenge, send us a quick message below or fill out the connect card this Sunday.
Join us in sharing life in Christ with each other, our city and beyond.